Mutual fund, Fixed Deposits, Small Saving Schemes

Fixed Deposit: Overview:

A fixed-income is a debt security for a specific period, usually issued by banks. A Fixed Deposit is like loaning the bank your money. In return, they pay you interest. FDs are the most popular investment vehicle for retail investors in India because investors find banks very convenient to deal with.

Mutual Fund:

A mutual fund is an investment instrument that pools together the savings of a large number of investors for collective investment.

Small Saving Scheme: Overview:

Are you looking at some simple tax saving instruments? If so, small saving schemes are an attractive option. Moreover considering the returns it is not a bad investment vehicle either, if you are not too particular about the lack of liquidity of such schemes. These small saving schemes have been time-honored tax saving vehicles, designed to provide safe and attractive investment options to the public, at the same time to mobilize resources for development.

Our Association With....


Sathyam Associates is an India-based diversified infrastructure conglomerate. Sathyam’s business sectors include engineering and construction; manufacturing and marketing of real estate etc.



But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was of the great explorer.