SME Loan:

SME finance is the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises, and represents a major function of the general business finance market – in which capital for different types of firms are supplied, acquired, and costed or priced. Capital is supplied through the business finance market in the form of bank loans and overdrafts; leasing and hire-purchase arrangements; equity/corporate bond issues; venture capital or private equity; and asset-based finance such as factoring and invoice discounting.

However, not all business finance is external/commercially supplied through the market. Much finance is internally generated by businesses out of their own earnings and/or supplied informally as trade credit, that is, delays in paying for purchases of goods and services.

Our Association With....


Sathyam Associates is an India-based diversified infrastructure conglomerate. Sathyam’s business sectors include engineering and construction; manufacturing and marketing of real estate etc.



But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was of the great explorer.